
At the beginning of September John Button and Francesca Simonetti returned to Centro d'Ompio to run another seminar, part of the Permaculture Project that Centro has chosen to support.

The Permaculture Project belongs to a field where Centro, since its inception, has taken a clear position of eco-friendliness.

The special location and structure of Centro d'Ompio yields Nature pride of place in all of her elements: from the Lake to the Mountain, from the Forest to all the variety of flowers, trees and animals...

Beside the choice of supporting the environment and the whole planet, the presence of Nature offers our guests an authentic resource from which to be inspired and regenerated.

Our guests, in fact, do find here a space which enables them to reconnect with their deepest essence and thus to naturally flow into the transformational process offered by the seminars.



We have always been committed to respect, protect, and appreciate Nature by keeping this as our core value in our daily activities.

Here some examples:

  • The food we use in our kitchen is organic whenever we can get it and always locally produced.
  • When we build and renovate we use natural materials, such as wood and stone, instead of cement whenever possible.
  • When gardening and doing green area maintenance, we take every opportunity to keep conditions as natural and undisturbed as possible.
  • We do not use any chemical detergents. All our cleaning agents are biological and biodegradable. Furthermore for many years we've used EM (Effective Microorganisms) for just about all our cleaning tasks.
  • We use our kitchen organic waste for composting and in the last year we started testing the Bokashi method


Read more about EM


Read more about the Bokashi Method

Nirupa & the Centro d'Ompio team