Over the past 20 years, through the dedicated efforts of many people, the Centro d'Ompio, in Italy's Piedmont on Lake Orta, has grown into a venue of hospitality and zest for life; a place where consciousness has a firm foothold in reality brought about by practical living; a location which offers itself to the world, a place where each and every one can come to change and glow; a place of power.
Lake Orta lies picturesquely to the west of Lago Maggiore and offers all its guests a wonderful setting. Today the Centro d'Ompio is one of Europe's leading seminar houses with a focus on fostering human potential and in shaping our unique and precious World in such a manner that peace, joy, and compassion become fixed cultural values of our civilization.
The Centro d'Ompio is a place of light. Thousands upon thousands have come here over the past two decades. Women and men. Therapists and teachers of wisdom of international renown. Large groups and small groups. Solo sessions. Pioneering work was and is still carried on here and much of what seems familiar today had its beginnings here.
»Walk your talk« - live that what you profess - this Indian wisdom has become a leitmotif (guiding principle) here.
The Centro d'Ompio, founded in the year 1987, is nestled in groves of European chestnut and offers a view over Lake Orta and the foothills of the Monte Rose Massif. Perched on an open hillside the Center pampers its guests with plenty of Italian sunshine as well as its excellent Mediterranean style vegetarian cuisine making it easy for them to feel as if they are on holiday, which contributes significantly to the success of seminars offered here.
Over the past two decades the Center has developed into a one of a kind seminar institution in Europe. Its size and distinctive location, as well as its felicitous mixture of personnel from different cultures and nations have made it into something quite unique.
Its development started with an initial enthusiastic and modest initial stage and moved on successively to become that what it is today: successful and flourishing.
Seminar leaders appreciate this. Over the years the Centro d'Ompio has built up a large customer base which includes clubs, companies, schools, organizations, and institutes from over the globe as well as a healthy European contingent. Many well known names, famous personalities and some 50,000 guests have come here and used Centro d'Ompio's facilities.
The resulting large potential opens a future for the Centro d'Ompio with a host of promising perspectives: learning opportunities in the thematic areas of youth, health, sustainability, understanding natural history, communication, work and study programs, elderhood, key qualifications, and management.