
Centro d'Ompio - Associazione Culturale
Via Pratolungo 47, Pratolungo
I-28028 Pettenasco (NO)

Tel. +39 0323 888 967
Fax. +39 0323 888 980

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All images and content © Ass. Cult. Centro d'Ompio

All text and images on this website are copyright. For information on authorship or rights-of-use for a particular image or article, please Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.


Website Credits

new responsive webdesign, programming & support: Pierre Burri-Wittke •
original design, seminar calendar & concept: Sean Grünböck @ studio19

Photo credits and thanks to: new slideshow: Tomek B., Darren Williams, Corinna Wittke, Andrea Leutenegger, Elisa Maria Wagner, Phillipe Drecqu